Data protection

The following is our data usage protection policy for those who we contact for enquiries, as trainees and as partners:

CVPA SCITT data use and retention policy

For individuals who apply to join the programme through  we will:

  • Ensure secure passwords are used to access your application details on the UCAS and DfE web-sites
  • Share your  application details with our partnership schools so that they can consider your suitability for either a trainee teacher position or a work-experience placement in their school. When doing so, we will ensure that our partnership schools understand their obligations to protect the information you have provided under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If there are any schools you would not like us to consult with, please advise via e-mail to:

For individuals who are accepted onto the programme as a trainee we will:

  1. During the training year, provide you with a professional e-mail account, either through Chepping View (fee-paying Trainees) or your placement school (Salaried), to share the information required to support your progress through the Teacher Training programme.
  2. We will use the ‘blind copy’ facility where appropriate.
  3. Retain your progress data to enable us to monitor the effectiveness of our training programme, to inform improvements, meet our obligations for statutory reporting (e.g. Ofsted and the Department for Education), future job references.
  4. Contact your NQT school to offer continuing professional development (CPD).
  5. Before the training year starts, use your personal e-mail address to exchange information about your application and the start of the training programme.
  6. Use the ‘blind copy’ facility for multiple recipients wherever possible to avoid sharing the address with others within the partnership.
  7. After the training year, use your personal or school e-mail address to keep up to date with your career progress in education for up to five years after the end of the programme.

Note: If you choose to share your private e-mail address or social media contact details with other colleagues within the partnership then you do so at your own risk.

For individuals who are not accepted onto the programme as a trainee we will:

  • Retain your application and notes from discussions/meetings (e.g. interviews and recruitment events) to  the end of the academic year in which the application has been made.

For individuals within our Partnership who we work with:

  • We will use the e-mail address you provide to us, to share the information required to support the progress of Trainees through the Teacher Training programme. We will use the ‘blind copy’ facility for multiple recipients wherever possible although your e-mail address may be visible to other colleagues within your school or the wider partnership where collaboration is needed (e.g. for transition of Trainees between placement schools). For this reason you should provide us with a professional e-mail address which is separate from your private address.

All information requests including unsubscribe, please e-mail the SCITT Data Protection Officer:
