Training Programme

This is a one year, full time school-centred teacher training programme running from September until early July. It will provide trainees with extensive, practical classroom experience and centre-based training to support this, resulting in recommendation for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) as a primary school teacher for ages 3-7 or 5-11. Each partnership school has audited expertise in their staff team and has identified specific areas in which to support centre-based training. These leaders are often senior staff members.

In addition, the optional university-based element of the course, the Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), will give trainees the chance to develop understanding of the linked pedagogy.

The training programme is created and adapted to meet the needs of individual trainees, so that they build on their strengths and develop high quality professional knowledge, skills and understanding. Trainees will spend the majority of their time learning alongside the most experienced teachers in our partnership schools, supported by a Teacher Tutor and School-based Mentor.

Prior to starting the course, trainees will know which main placement school they will be training at and will visit the school and meet their Teacher Tutor and School-based Mentor.

Programme Structure 

During the summer term, prior to the start of training, all trainees attend an induction day which enables them to get to know each other and find out more about the structure of the programme. There is also access to pre-course reading and preparation tasks to be completed during the summer.

During the Autumn term, trainees spend time in their main placement school, at centre-based training and at Oxford Brookes University (optional). Trainees also get the opportunity to complete a short placement in an EYFS setting, a KS3 setting (Year 7) and a special school during the year. In the Spring term, trainees move to a different school for a second placement and then return to their original main placement school in the Summer term.

Trainees must be able to travel between home, their main placement school and Chepping View Primary Academy SCITT centre during the course of the programme.

